worship during covid

This video was made and posted on the home page to show how Covid impacted Urbana Yoke Parish .  We want to preserve this video so future generations will realize that Covid was a very deadly virus, but Covid did not kill our faith or our church!  

Across the globe, Covid changed the way people worship.  For a time, churches could not hold services.  Even now, many with health issues, are not able to attend due to the chance they might become infected.  Sadly, many have either gotten out of the habit of attending or adopted the habit of watching a service on TV.  Church attendance has decreased in church after church after church, with many closing.

Urbana Yoke Parish is very fortunate.  During this time, our church family has continued with their financial support.  BUT, even more important than financial support, our church family again worships each Sunday, stays in contact with those who cannot attend, and lifts our church family and their family and friends and even people we do not know up in prayer.  Prayers have strengthened UYP during this time!!!  

December 23, 2021


Who knew what 2020 would hold?  We sure did not!  

The one thing we did hold onto was our faith, our trust in God, and the love of our church family.  When we could hold worship services, we shared our concerns on how everyone was coping with Covid.  We cared about the physical, mental, and emotional health of our congregation. 

From December 2019 to December 2020, we learned to appreciate the opportunity to meet and worship together.  When we are unable to attend, how thankful we are that technology allows us to hear Pastor Larry's message, to hear the joys and prayer needs of others, to hear the scripture, and to enjoy the music. 

Please enjoy these pictures taken between December 2019 and December 2020.