We hear many phrases such as "action speaks louder than words" and "Walk the Talk." What would happen if we turned that last phrase around? Do you "Talk the Walk" ? Do we talk about our walk with Jesus?
january 1, 2023
We hear many phrases such as "action speaks louder than words" and "Walk the Talk." What would happen if we turned that last phrase around? Do you "Talk the Walk" ? Do we talk about our walk with Jesus?
January 8, 2023
Many people want the amazing power of God washing over them. They want a surge of emotion, they want to see miracles, they desire the thunderclap of His mighty hand. However, considering that the Word of God covers a stretch of time of several thousand years, we only see these things occasionally. Usually it is more like the by-play we see between mother and Son.
January 15, 2023
We are very sorry but the video for January 15, 2023 cannot be loaded to the website. Join us next Sunday in worship or, if you cannot attend in person, please enjoy the service online. Have a blessed day.
January 22, 2023
A while back, my son blamed me for something that I hadn't even done when he was much younger. What he had done then was make a decision that didn't work well. We all do those things without consulting the Lord. We should never lean to our own understanding.
January 29, 2023
So easy to get tired. "I have taught Sunday School and VBS for years and years" or "I have done so much around this church," or "this is my pew and I have earned it." But is this Biblical? Does the Lord really understand? Hmmmm.
February 5, 2023
The history of warfare is filled with stories of amazing efforts by some to save the lives of their brothers in arms. We read similar stories of a parent doing the unbelievable to save their children. Often these acts result in the death of the brave one. We hear these stories and we are inspired. Are we so inspired by the sacrifice of Jesus?
Testing adding the newsletter to the first video of each month:
FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER LINK: UYP_February_2023_newsletter.pdf
February 12, 2023
We first see our baby and feel awe and love and responsibility. But then, the awe wanes and the love changes and becomes deeper, but we always have the responsibility, no matter the age. Same way with our parents as they age, relatives as they grow ill, friends as their lives change. With responsibility comes worry and concern and stress. BUT, we are conquerors through Christ!
february 19, 2023
A wise, old Pastor told me once that a Christian who always walked aro9und with their head in the clouds was just an airhead. We have to live life like everyone else does. But, we have reason to rejoice!
February 26, 2023
We love the mountain top, don't we? Looking around and feeling God's presence everywhere. Seeing His mighty hand. Feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit coursing through us! Oh my! But the real work of the Kingdom is done in the valley amidst the fiery darts hurled by Satan. To the work!
march 5, 2023
We forget that the disciples were just regular guys. All the fears, all the concerns. Yet, from these men came the great stories of courage and perseverance that fired up the early church. It can fire you, as well.
March Newsletter: March_2023_Newsletter.pdf
march 12, 2023
"We've a story to tell to the nations, that will turn their hearts to the right...." Wonderful words to a wonderful song. But do we tell the story?
march 19 2023
Are we ready to share our testimonies? Are we seeing division? Are we willing to stand alone?
march 26, 2023
As we near the great joy of the Resurrection, we are reminded that it doesn't stop there. There is more. Actually, it is our part. What we must do. For surely, we are told that there is coming a day. We must work now for the night is coming when the time to work will be ended. Shoulder your burden and look to Him.
april 2, 2023
palm sunday
So much of what we do in church is rooted in tradition. This is the most meaningful time of the year, and we tend to lose out focus. Was it really a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, or was it entirely something else?
APRIL 2023 NEWSLETTER: April_2023_Newsletter.pdf
EASTER aPRIL 9, 2023
How do liberal theologians who deny the Word celebrate Resurrection? They call it Easter and have colored eggs, candy and the Easter bunny. As true believers, we celebrate with the Risen Savior!
aPRIL 9, 2023
Seventeen folks (rough count done by memory, might be more) came out on a frosty morning to share the beautiful sight of the sun rising on a cloudless morning. Christ Arose!
April 23, 2023
Welcome to the Urbana Yoke Parish Worship Service.
Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water's edge. Mark 4:1
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." Mark 4:35
It had been a great day of teaching, but it was late and Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. All is well --- until the storm came. How would you react? Would you panic?
May 7, 2023
May Newsletter: May_2023_Newsletter.pdf
Someone once complained to me that his church had erected a new structure. Dismissively, he said they had a nice church and the made a cathedral. He, and some others, liked the small church. Most of the others wanted the BIG church with all the bells and whistles. Both had it wrong. The church is simple if we follow the Word.
May 14, 2023
What visions come to mind when you think of Mom? Everyone would have a different thought, but there is a lady in the Bible who sums it up.
May 21, 2023
I suppose everyone has a place they would like to go. Personally, I am fortunate to have gone many places. But the one place I have never been that I would have liked to have gone to, is the Holy Land. Today, Richard Monce takes us all there with pictures and narration. What a blessing!
May 28, 2023
What an interesting day! First, everyone is thinking Memorial Day, with thoughts toward the sacrifice, both the ultimate sacrifices and the willingness to make those sacrifices, of the men and women in the armed forces plus those of the police and firefighters and all those who keep us safe, but it is also Pentecost Sunday. Such a blessing! But there is also a curse.
june 4, 2023
June Newsletter: June_2023_Newsletter.pdf
What are we leaving behind as a Spiritual legacy? How will be remembered by our family, by our church family, by the people we interact with on a daily basis? What is more important; being remembered as a good guy or gal or being remembered as a God loving person? Standing for Jesus has its costs.
June 11, 2023
I once heard a preacher say that church is like a gas station. We come to church on Sunday to get fueled up for the week. Then we come to church at midweek prayer to top off the tank to finish the week. There is something to that, but where does service come into play? Well, we should be using that fuel to empower us to serve the Lord.
June 18, 2023
Father's Day! A special day for Dads. But each child brings new challenges and new concerns, and it stays that way forever. Today we look at a Dad and his three sons as they work great things.
June 25, 2023 - Worship service
The message had three points:
JULY 2, 2023
July Newsletter: July_2023_Newsletter.pdf
A few thoughts from Brian Chamberlain's message:
July 9, 2023
Joshua Merrick spoke on how to have peace during suffering. His two points are: Rest in the good news that we have provisional holiness in Jesus and we are to be motivated to live practical holiness.
july 16, 2023
Welcome to the worship service of Urbana Yoke Parish.
2 Samuel 23:8-12 and 1 Chronicles 11:12-14 tells of swordsmen who stood their ground, defended that ground and struck the Philistines down. The LORD brought about a great victory.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Hebrews 4:12 tell that all scripture is God-breathed and can be used to teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness. This equips the servant of God for every good work. The word of God is alive and active. It is so sharp it can divide souls and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
The sword is powerful in the hands of a true soldier of the LORD. Words are a powerful sword and can be used in righteousness or to divide.
july 23, 2023
Is your soul blind?
JULY 30, 2023
- Psalms 121, Psalms 122
- Sorry for delayed upload, technical difficulties for new user...
August 13, 2023
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august 20, 2023
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august 27, 2023
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September 10, 2023
PSALM 23:5
september 17, 2023
Please enjoy our service.
September 24, 2023
Thank you for watching our service. When you are able we hope you will join us in worship.
October 1, 2023
October Newsletter: October_2023_Newsletter.pdf
Occasionally a glitch happens. The video of the October 1, 2023 service will not be available. We are sorry that you will not be able to view our Worship Service. Please watch the service for October 8, 2023. The candidate for Pastor will be presenting the sermon.
october 8, 2023
Thank you for watching this week's worship service. We hope you found something that made you think and found blessings. Please join us in person when you are able.
October 16, 2023
We are so blessed to be in His love. If we are believers, we have all things that we need through Him. I honestly do not know how people get through life without Jesus. And His Gospel, His Good News, is unstoppable, except for one thing.
october 22, 2023
Thank you for visiting our website. Please look around and if you want to find out where we started, go to ABOUT and Our Heritage.
october 15, 2023
We pray this worship service gives you something to think about, something to bring you joy, and something to fill your soul.
October 29, 2023
Thanks for viewing
november 5, 2023
Due to camera issues this weeks Worship Video is unavailable, sorry for the inconvenience.
november 12, 2023
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November 19, 2023
Welcoming Pastor Chris Brock
Thanks for viewing
November 26, 2023
Pastor Chris Brock, Thanks for viewing. Join us in person to celebrate the Christmas season.
December 3, 2023
December Newsletter: December_2023_Newsletter.pdf
The first Sunday of Advent, Thanks for watching & joining us in person.
december 10, 2023
Choose Peace
december 17, 2023
December 24, 2023
Christmas Eve service
December 24, 2023
December 31, 2023
Sermon- Crossing the River