july 31, 2022

One young man told his pastor, "I believe John 3:16. I may get in by the skin of my teeth, but I'll be there!" Or will he? This a month  with five Sundays. Always on that fifth Sunday someone else brings the Word. This morning it is Elder Claud Newcomb. We are so grateful for his ministry here at the Yoke.


july 24, 2022

We say we stand on the Rock of Jesus. But how good is our foothold?


july 17, 2022

A few years back one of the talking heads on one of the talk type news shows said that fundamental Christians were just like fundamental Islamics, only the Islamics were better. This led her into ranting about Christians. Foolish people don't get it and Satan inspired people believe the lie. But, the truth is.......


july 10, 2022

What is your prison? We all have them. Things that come at us from all sides, things we cannot control, things that overwhelm our souls. However, prison is where we learn and grow stronger. What is your prison?


July 3, 2022

What an amazing country we live in! Never before have a people enjoyed such freedom. But, one of those freedoms is the freedom to not worship God at all. Our people are drifting farther and farther away.