june 27, 2021

What has happened to the Spiritual giants who used to put forth the Word with boldness and power? When Billy Graham died three years ago, Christians said, "There will never be another like him." To me, the question should be, "Who will be the next giant of the faith?" In many ways, religion in this country is retreating. It should be surging forward.


june 20, 2021

Father's Day!!! A day Dad gets to call his own!!! Fun! Fun! Fun!. Except, the responsibilities do not stop, the concern doesn't end. But the Godly father has an edge. He walks with the Lord and has insight into the job. Happy Father's Day.


JUNE 13, 2021

Don't you love a mystery? Mystery is spoken of many times in the Bible. It is a Book of mystery and exciting answers. But here, today, we look at a mystery. This mystery changes everything.


JUNE 6, 2021

There is only one way to heaven. Jesus said that He was the Way, the Truth and the Light. No man comes to the Father except by Jesus. He died for us. If we confess our sins and believe in Him we are saved. No other way! But once we are saved, we are one in His Spirit. That is His amazing love!