November 28, 2021

What do you think of when you hear the name King Herod the Great? We all seem to have the image of an evil man. But, who was he really? What man was this?


November 21, 2021

There is so much to be thankful for! In Psalm 65 we see a farmer giving God all glory and thanks, and yet their methods of farming were back breaking. That person who blames God for things somehow forgets how great He really is. To all of you out there, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


November 14, 2021

What do we expect of God when it comes to blessings? Is God like Santa Claus in our minds? If we are good He will bless us? There is more to it than that. W should treat others, even our enemies, as God treats us. That is where blessings begin.


november 7, 2021

So much of what we believe about the Lord comes from what others say. We have become conditioned by quick devotions, people posting a favorite verse on Facebook and hurried sermons and Bible studies to read a verse or two and then the devotion and then someone's concept of what it all means. The answer, as they say, is in the Bible, but you have to actually read it for yourself. Salvation is one of those things that has become clouded. Clear the clouds!